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Good Fortune Soap

Business Spotlight: The Inspirational Story Behind Good Fortune Soap, Chattanooga

Inside: The story of Good Fortune Soap, and how the owner Jennifer Strain, made her dream come true in the great city of Chattanooga.

While I strive to find daily encouragement through many different paths and stories, the stories I love most are about dreams coming true and what many people consider “success”. Though we often see the end result and think, “I could never do that.”, we seldom see the blood and sweat, and tears behind success stories.

The story of Good Fortune Soap is a true “American Dream” story.

The owner’s, Jennifer, dream came true in 2006, but the story starts way before then.

Jennifer was a born adventurer and loved creating things as a child. She started her first business when she was 12, creating custom bracelets. Then, she graduated from college with a degree in Graphic Design, but even with great success she still longed for more.

Before Jennifer left her full-time job as a graphic designer, she was confused and wanted more meaning in life.

At her turning point, she stated, “I felt lost, and through the advice of a co-worker was encouraged to pray for wisdom because it was the only thing God promised He would definitely give when we ask.”

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding faulty and it will be given to you.

James 1:5

Sometimes the answers are not what we expect.

Jennifer followed her co-worker’s advice and felt led to make handcrafted soaps. Jennifer states in her story,

“While lying in bed, praying, and reading a book on soap-making, the Lord spoke to a deep-down place inside me. Through faith, I knew instantly that my love of design, photography, and handcrafted things was my calling. With 110% enthusiasm, I followed the plan that God had whispered.”

Through that one crazy prayer and dream, Jennifer was taught to love more like Jesus and to follow her vision. Her dream turned into reality when her soap business became “successful” the first year.

Stories are great, but for me, it’s not enough to just hear a story.

But rather, what can we learn from the story to become a better version of who we already are?

Every day is a new opportunity to become a better version of yourself.

Boruch Akbosh

Four Lessons From Jennifer’s Story

Lesson 1:

When God calls us, it’s often not in the ways you expect. Sometimes it’s through a simple voice in your head and sometimes a slap in the face.

The lessons I learned from this book are eye opening.

Lesson 2:

Share God’s love with everybody. Where a seed is planted, you never know where it will grow.

Lesson 3:

Everything we do should be for the Lord. I went into nursing because I believed, at the time, it was the best way I could serve God. I wanted to serve like Jesus did and help those who were hurt.

However, you don’t have to be a nurse, doctor, therapist, or a teacher, or even a preacher to change people’s lives.

You can be a housewife, an accountant, a lawyer, and even a graphic designer. God works in amazing ways.

Last but not least, Lesson 4:

Don’t be afraid to change direction. I can’t imagine how scary it must have been for Jennifer to quit a full-time secure job for a dream and a passion.

Change isn’t always easy, and everything doesn’t always work out the way we think, but it might be more than you can even imagine.

I love old school Acapella, and this has always been one of my favorite songs!

Change is the only constant.


Jennifer’s story is one of amazement, courage, determination, tenacity, and strength. She inspires me with her love for Jesus and reaching people through even something so simple as soaps.

In addition to soap, You can find candles, bath bombs, essential oils, and more. All at Good Fortune Soap!

Even more then the tangible items project joy in how you feel from hearing her story. You come away with a cleansing of the body, mind, and soul.

This video is older, but shares all the amazing things that are happening at Good Fortune!

As always, thanks for reading! And if you enjoyed this post, I would appreciate your shares on social media!

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