This website was founded to be a place for encouragement and inspiration. I place a high value on integrity and trust.

I am not a counselor, though I will pray for you if you would like me to. Just send me a message. If you feel you need professional help, please call 911 for an emergency or search your local community for a professional. We all need a little help sometimes.

While this was founded to be a place of encouragement, particularly for women and girls in all aspects of this life journey, I do earn a small commission at times for affiliates, links, posts, or products, and any future endeavors. It is my intention to only share links or products that I believe support the mission of Unfading Beauty and Strength.

If you have chosen to subscribe to my website, then you have chosen to allow me to have your name and email address. This allows me to send you information I may deem to be of encouragement/inspiration in many different forms.

I sincerely thank you for your support in following me and have no intentions to violate your trust or privacy.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding any of the above, please contact me.