Unfading Beauty and Strength

Empowering Women: Overcome Anxiety and Embrace Peace

Top 10 posts

A Year of Completion:

2019 marked a year of completion and consistency for me. My word for the year was “Completion”. (For this year’s word and how to stay focused on your word, see this post HERE.)

I have published a total of 40 posts since May. My love and passion for writing has been renewed, though there are still days I would rather watch reruns of my favorite sitcoms.

I am so thankful to you, my readers for your generous comments, words of encouragement, and shares. Every little bit helps and every bit of encouragement can make someone’s day just a little bit brighter! Many of you have given me words of encouragement just when I needed it most. Thank you! We serve a God who answers prayers!

I believe as women, we need to learn from each other and encourage and strengthen each other. That is what Unfading Beauty and Strength is all about!

So without further ado, here are my top 10 posts from 2019.

My top 10 posts: (based on shares)

10. Be Weird. Be Yourself.

9. Business Spotlight: Good Fortune Soap (A favorite local shop I love!)

8. How Christmas Memories Taught me to Slow Down

7. 10 Unique Ways to Spread Kindness

6. Unconditional Love & Joy

5. Infant Loss: When it Happens to You (Guest Post by Amy)

4. How to Support Small Business

3. Failure is not a Bad Word

2. One Size Doesn’t Fit All (Guest Post by C.E. White)

1. Choose Courage

There you have it! My top ten posts! (based on shares)

What was your favorite? Did you have a favorite that was missed?

As always, Thanks for Reading! And a special thank you for sharing. As the saying goes (as cheesy as it sounds), Sharing is Caring!

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Related Articles:

7 Encouraging and Authentic Examples of New Years Goals (unfadingbeautyandstrength.com)

4 thoughts on “Top Ten Posts From 2019

  1. Now I want to go read “Choose Courage.” Sounds like women really need it! I would love to see more heartfelt stories from your own life, testimonies of God’s transformative power.

    1. Thanks for your insight Susan! I feel like so many women still suffer from letting their fears rule!

  2. Wow! That’s so great! I’m proud of you! I’m trying to increase the amount of blog posts I’m writing this year too but split between posts for my blog and guest posts for other sites.

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