Unfading Beauty and Strength

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Devotional on Kindness

Life Lessons From My Library: Do Nice. Be Kind. Spread Happy

Did you know November 13th is World Kindness Day? Though every day should be World Kindness Day.

However, in the interest of this proclaimed holiday, I thought I would share a favorite book on kindness and some of my favorite and unique ways to spread kindness.

Do Nice Be Kind Spread Happy: The Ultimate Book of Kindness

You may have never heard of the above book, unless you are an Usborne Books connoisseur. The book is not a traditional children’s story picture book. However, it should be a classic on every bookshelf.

The Author:

The author, Bernadette Russell, shares all kinds of ways to share kindness in her book: Do Nice, Be Kind, Spread Happy.

Even though the book is specifically formatted for kids, many of the author’s ideas can and should apply to adults. In addition to the many great and unique ideas, the book also includes kindness badges and initiation into “The Kindness Club.”

What a fun way to spend time with you kids!

In addition, the author also hosts story telling and kindness workshops for children. Check out her website for more info.

Her mission, as stated in the book, if you choose to accept, is: ” To spread the power of kindness in your neighborhood”.

You can make a difference too!

Many times, I feel we are weighed down with the attitude of not being able to change the world. We say things such as, “It is not our responsibility.” “We have too many mundane tasks in our own lives to feel like we could even begin to make a difference, anyway.”

But my friend, you make a difference, all the time.

The choices you choose each day determine the difference you make. Let’s aim to make more of them positive differences.

Brynn Greene, Unfading Beauty and Strength

Oftentimes, we forget, it only takes a spark or a fraction of your time to make an impact:

A smile at a stranger.

Handing your leftovers to the homeless man on the corner.

A simple text to say, “I’m thinking of you.”

A sticky note of encouragement left on a mirror or lunchbox

These are the things that make a difference. Grand gestures are just fine and needed in their own time and place.

But we are not all called to the grand gestures.

Bloom Where You Are Planted:

Most importantly, God wants you to bloom where you are planted.

Do Nice, Be Kind, Spready Happy is a testament and reminder that we truly can spread happiness and kindness at any age. By our simple acts of kindness, we can create a ripple effect.

“Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.”

1 Timothy 4:12 NLT

Give what you have. To someone it may be better than you dare to think.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

10 Ways to Spread Kindness

In Bernadette’s book, she mentions over sixty different ways to spread kindness! While some ideas take a little planning, there are many other ideas you could do right now! All the ideas are easy and fun for kids and adults!

The real challenge is: How many can you do?

Finally, let’s take a look at my ten favorite suggestions.

1. Smile Collection Mission:

Smile at absolutely everyone you see. Then count how many return smiles or hellos you get back in a day!

2. “Reverse Robbed

Think of a small treat for someone. (favorite chocolate, new pen, bookmark, etc..) Sneak the treat into their bag or coat pocket. Make sure no one notices you! For extra fun, include a note saying, “Surprise! you’ve been reverse robbed!”

3. Donate old coats and toys.

For even more kindness, include a hidden note saying why you loved the item so much and how you hope the receiver gets as much joy out of it as you did!

4.Pick up trash.

(Be sure to include gloves and a pick-up stick if you can.) Just picking up one piece of trash can make a difference. One of the ways I love to incorporate this is during hiking trips. See this post here, or here for more on our hiking trip!

5. This next suggestion is great for grandparents: Mail a Hug

Lay on the floor on paper (wrapping paper, butcher paper) with your arms outstretched. Then, have someone draw around you. Finally, mail it with a message, “Big hug from yours truly”!

6. Compliment Strips

Prepare strips of scrap paper. Write premade compliments. This can be done with your kids or you can even do this while binge-watching your favorite show! Be sure to carry the strips with you so you are prepared to hand out kindness when ready!

7. Idea for teachers: Report Card for the Teacher!

(Christmas is coming up!) Write a report card for your teacher making a list of your favorite things about them. For bonus points, include a gift card or favorite piece of chocolate!

8. Write messages of kindness on your driveway.

You could use chalk, sticks, pebbles, etc..

9. Do you have extra drawings from your kids lying around that you don’t know what to do with?

How about giving these out to friends and neighbors or even a store worker? They will appreciate the thought, and you just might make their day a little brighter. If you have the time you could even take it a step further and have your kids make several drawings and then go to a nursing home to pass out the drawings.

10. The tree of kindness

Lastly, find some old fabric (think old baby blankets or clothes), and write a message of kindness. Next, find a tree or bush where lots of people walk by and attach the kindness messages.

There were many more suggestions listed in the book.

The above is just a glimpse of some of my personal favorite ideas. I don’t know about you, but I am inspired!

Now, Which one will you try? What ideas do you have? I can’t wait to hear your ideas!? Share your ideas in the comments!

Happy Kindness Day! Let’s get to spreading HAPPY!

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