Unfading Beauty and Strength

Empowering Women: Overcome Anxiety and Embrace Peace

Which shoe will you choose?

Devotional: You only need one choice

One fated day, I was shoe shopping with my spirited, emotional, sensitive six year old daughter. We had been having daily morning battles with cries of shoes not fitting right and socks not feeling right, and complaints of feet hurting. New shoes were long overdue.

I was fully expecting the process to take all day and require an immense amount of patience on my part.  So, it came as a great surprise that we found some shoes relatively quickly. My daughter found the shoes she liked and decided quickly and decisively that these were the shoes for her. No need to keep looking. No need to change her mind.

My sister (I brought my sister along to help my patience. Where there are two, you will be stronger!)and I were the ones that kept pulling shoes off the shelf, asking, What about these? Or these? Or, ooh, what about these pretty sparkly ones? 

My daughter had already made up her mind and boy when she makes up her mind, she can be very persistent. As another example, when she was about three, she told me in the summer what she wanted to be for Halloween. I was fully expecting her to change her mind. She never did. (She was a ghost if you are curious.)

Since my daughter is very sensitive and it had taken us hours one time to find shoes, I wanted to be sure we came home with the right shoes.

As stated above, my daughter can also be very decisive, so she knew when she found some shoes she liked, then that was it. Perhaps she was traumatized from our last excursion as well….

So we left with some hot pink neon shoes and some boots with gems on them.

Isn’t that just how we treat our own lives so many times?

We look at all the different options in life, from afterschool sports, church activities, prayer groups, grocery store choices. We look at all the different things we can buy and do, and we debate and debate about what to buy. Look at this pair, it lights up, or this pair, it’s pink and sparkly. The choices can be overwhelming. And do we really need ten different types of bread to choose from? First world problems…

Don’t we do the same thing when we are considering all the spiritual choices in our lives? The truth of the matter is, there may be many good choices, but all we really need is God first. Pick him up first and decide, this is what I want. You will need no other choices. 

In Him we will find all we need and more than we could ever ask or imagine.

Unfading Beauty and Strength

What will you choose today?

Colossians 1:3: For He is before all things and in him all things hold together.

Thanks for reading as always! Sharing is Caring!

If you enjoyed this devotional, you may enjoy the following in my devotional series:

How to Put God First in Your Life: Let the Trash Go (unfadingbeautyandstrength.com)

Kindness Matters

Joy in the Magic of the Season

How Christmas Memories Taught Me to Slow Down

I’m also been enjoying the devotions from (in)courage delivered straight to my inbox! Check it out here!

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7 thoughts on “Too Many Choices

  1. Love this. Been considering all the many things I seek throughout my day…am I seeking Him and His kingdom first? Love this encouragement.

    1. Yes! I still get bogged down every day, but I have peace in knowing God is really the only choice I need!

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