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Inside: ***A Mothers Day Tribute: 15 heartfelt tributes to moms and all the women who made me the woman I am today

I’ve had many moms in my life. A mom can come in many forms:

  • A friend’s mom
  • A mom in the trenches of child-rearing with you
  • A mom who has been there and can give you guidance from the distant seeming side.

In addition, consider women who don’t have children. Beloved aunts, teachers, and even the librarian, to name a few. They may have children of their own as well, but some may not. They are just as deserving.

We need all types.

If it was not for the women, both young and old, who have been in my life, I would not be the person I am today.

We need all types of women and moms in our life:

  • The 3 AM friend
  • The tree-hugger friend
  • And even the bit too-cautious friend.

My strengths are not your strengths. And vice versa. Let’s learn from each other.

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So in honor of Mother’s Day, I want to thank all moms and women.

You’re amazing. Just the way you are.

A Mothers Day Tribute to 15 Amazing Types of Moms in My Life

1. To the mom of my best friend:

Your love and gentle spirit are brighter than a shining star on the darkest of nights. Your support as if I was your own daughter gave me wings as a young teen to soar and dream higher. Even now you’re most beloved.

2. To all my mentor moms:

Your wisdom has seeded into my life, teaching me to be a better mom and a better person, reminding me that this phase in my life will indeed pass. You gently remind me to treasure each moment.

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Moms come in all shapes and sizes and we need everyone.

3. To my beloved aunts:

Thank you for loving me like your own and always having an open home. Thanks for being there for the big moments when you could. I hope to be half the aunts you were to my own nieces.

4. To my sister who trudged the path of stubborn kids before me:

Thanks for always listening to me and being a shoulder to cry on.

Thanks for bearing with me when I was a paranoid new momma while I blamed you for poisoning my kids with sugared cereal, hot dogs, and white bread. I was that mom. (in my early years)

Thank you for allowing me to mold into the mom I am today without judgment.

We’ve had our fights and conflicts from day one to our teen years, but you were and are always there when it matters.

5. To my eldest sister:

You are the mother my children need when they feel they can’t come to me. I know your wisdom to be just and true. You’ve taught me so much about discipline and boundaries.

My children’s lives are richer than pure butter, full-fat ice cream, and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Because of you.

6. To all my friends who have no children by their choice:

Thanks for reminding me that life existed before kids and teaching me I can plan adventures for just myself. My life does not have to revolve around my kids 100 % of the time.

7. To all my writer and blogger friends:

I’ve read many books and articles that made me feel like I could sit down and have a cup of coffee with you. You don’t always see the effect your words have, but your words do make a difference and your encouragement was much needed at just the right times.

Thank you for being honest and real enough to share your life and vulnerabilities.

8. To all the teachers and directors my children have had and to those yet to come:

I know God had a plan to put just the right teachers in our lives.

I pray we’ll learn from your wisdom. Thanks for loving my children and helping their minds, bodies, and souls to grow like the beautiful roses they were made to be.

You work so hard and are not nearly thanked enough for all you do.

9. To my co-workers, past and present:

Yes, you have taught me much about being a nurse, but more importantly, you taught me about being a friend. Friends do not always have to be the same and have all the same interests.

You have made my world bigger and brighter because of your friendship.

10. To my friends in the same season of life:

I hope you know you can count on me. You are beautiful and amazing, just the way you are.

We’ll make it through the trenches of parenthood, and we’ll look back (one day) and laugh and cry all at the same time.

Call me when you need me, at 3 am, at 10 pm, it doesn’t matter, I’ll be there.

If you need a friend, I’ll be there.

Related Article: How to Help a Friend After a Disaster: 4 Key Takeaways to Know

11. For all the women who have gone through sorrow:

Oh, how I have hurt with some of you and cried tears of sorrow, some yet unseen.

When you lost your babies, your kid went through cancer or heart surgeries, or your home was destroyed, I only wish I could have done more.

I should have done more.

I failed you so many times. My heart was thinking of you and breaking into a million pieces, and yet that is not enough sometimes.

But know I see you and am thinking and praying for you.

Related: An Uplifting Story of Hope and Comfort When You’ve Lost a Baby

12. To my late beloved grandmothers:

My children didn’t get to meet one of you, while one of you was only known as the woman in the wheelchair. They will meet you in heaven one day and know just how heavenly you were. Oh for the joy set before us.

13. To my in-laws and husband’s family:

I’m not sure what you call those relationships officially.

But I call you family, for I’ve never been treated as an outsider. I was accepted from the moment I crossed the threshold of your home.

I am blessed to call you family and even more blessed to call you friend.

14. To my late mother-in-law:

You poured so much love into us while you were still with us. We talk and think about you often, with broken, but joyous hearts.

I see the man you raised to be my husband and he is that man because of you.

15. And finally to my own mother:

I know we’ve had our ups and downs, but you have always loved me.

You loved me when I forgot to say thank you, treated you disrespectfully, and even called you names. You loved me all the time.

Always wanting to give us more. Not only pouring into our lives but pouring into my friends’ lives. Your care, time, and attention are shown in the threads of our lives:

  • Girl Scouts
  • Cheerleader
  • So much more…

I have not always said thank you for the sacrifices you made and the time you gave to us, but Im saying thank you now.

I love you, Mom.

Mothers day tribute Post: picture of writer and mom
My mom and I, Around 1987

The most powerful phrase:

Thank you will never be enough to express my appreciation and gratitude.

Thank you seems like such a trifle of a word and yet one of the most powerful phrases known to women (and men).

It truly takes a village. In the battles of raising a family in this world, I’m blessed beyond measure. I only hope I may encourage you and others behind me in even a glimmer of the same way you have impacted my life.

Thank you!

  • Thank you for wiping my tears when I broke my arm.
  • For feeding me when I was at your home.
  • Thank you for gently correcting me when I was wrong.
  • For letting your kids be my friend, for laughing at my jokes, and for allowing us to be kids.
  • Thank you for bringing me a meal after my babies were born.
  • For all the cards and well wishes, for the walks and the talks, and for the coffee dates.
  • Road trips, hidden frogs, swamping the canoe.

Oh, how I could go on and on and on.

Related: Best Gifts for Your Mom: 17 Unique & Inspiring Ideas (2 from Ukraine)

Because the truth is we all need each other.

It doesn’t matter if you are a mom of young kids, old kids, teenagers, empty nesters, no kids, a teacher, aunt, or grandma. We need all of us. Without you, life is just not the same.

Some of you I see once in a blue moon, others came at different seasons of life, and even some have gone to a better world.

But when I think of you I smile, laugh, and sometimes cry. You are a part of my heart and the fact that you are not in it every day leaves a little hole missing.

I pray these words reach every woman who has been like a mother to you. A thank you to all the moms in my life is not enough.

We don’t always see the results of our harvesting.

God may use us to plant seeds, someone else to water, and yet another to pick the weeds around our hearts. Sometimes you get to see the seed become the beautiful blossom it was meant to be.

Keep watering my friends,

We have a purpose. You were made for this and so much more.

As always, thanks for reading. And if you enjoyed this post, I would appreciate your shares on social media.

And now it’s your turn! Comment below on how a special person helped you to become the woman you are today.

Finally, Don’t forget to say thank you to the moms in your life.

**Post originally published May 7, 2020. Updated April 2022, April 2023

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Best Gifts for Your Mom: 17 Unique & Inspiring Ideas (2 from Ukraine)

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10 thoughts on “A Heartfelt Mothers Day Tribute: 15 Moms to Honor and Love

  1. Brynn, this tribute blessed me! It also prompted me to give thanks for the women who have influenced me! Thank you for this!

  2. What a wonderful post Brynn. We all do sow and water seeds. My mother read to me the same old Golden books encouraging me to write. She is still driving and took care of me this past year after major surgery. What a blessing mothers are!

    1. I don’t think I realized everything my mother did for me until I was an adult. As a parent myself now, I can’t even imagine everything my parents did.

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