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Christmas Devotional on Joy

Inside: Devotional on Joy

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Through the Eyes of Our Children

We need to look no further than our own children to find joy. Children naturally exude joy, while many adults spend their lives trying to reach what they once had.

Recently, I took my children, along with several other family members, on a train ride to “The North Pole”. While on the train ride, the children were able to meet Santa and Mrs. Clause. In addition, they were able to see some of the elves and the toy workshop.

While on the train, we went into a “magic” tunnel, and then we were “transformed” into The North Pole. The North Pole, in actuality, was some random buildings decorated for Christmas. I am not quite sure what the buildings are used for normally.

Now, not to be a cynic, but in my ideal fantasy mind, this train ride and the aforementioned buildings are not the images I have of the North Pole. Sparsely decorated buildings with some random elves walking around are not what I think of when I think of the North Pole. Maybe I have watched too many Christmas movies…

A Child’s Amazement:

But the thing that always amazes me (This is the second time we have done the train ride.) is the joy and excitement of the children. They are so excited. They totally buy into the whole thing, sparse buildings, random elves, and all. The tunnel indeed has some magic. Finally, what really plants this spirit of believing is seeing “real elves” and seeing Santa and Mrs. Clause come out of the buildings. Then, the next thing you know, Santa and Mrs. Clause are on the train! My favorite thing of all is the fact that Santa stops at every kid and listens to their requests. Additionally, you can take as many pictures as you want!

For my children, Santa is real, and it is pure happiness.

I think the Tennessee Valley Railroad does an excellent job with its

resources. However, from my adult cynical point of view, I am amazed that the kids buy the train ride or really anything related to any of the Christmas fantasies. (reindeer poop, Elf on the Shelf, etc..)

The whole trip is worth every penny when you see the joy and hear the laughter of your children. Their joy is completely uninhibited.

Joy is one of those things that we all know we need. Yet many times obtaining joy seems impossible.

But children do not need to look far for joy. It is all around them. The mere mention of Santa and Christmas get children excited. Our children are amazed and transfixed by the lights and magic of the season.

The Joy of Baby Jesus:

Much like our children find joy in the most seemingly simple moments, the miracle of the birth of baby Jesus brought simple, but majestically profound joy. Mary knew this when she gave birth to baby Jesus. She treasured the joy that a little child brings, in addition to the Joy in Jesus, as the Son of God. After the shepherds visited the baby Jesus, we read these words about Mary:

but Mary kept all these things in her heart and thought about them often

Luke 2:19

Jesus understood the joy of children.

Likewise, Jesus understood the joy of children. That is not to say we need to act like children, but I believe God meant for us to replicate a child’s purity and joy.

14 But Jesus said, Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” 15 And he placed his hands on their heads and blessed them before he left.

Matthew 19:14

The Greatest Joy and Gift:

It is through the joy and wonderment of Christ and all the great gifts he gives that we can see clearly the Kingdom of God and the Joy that is Jesus’s birth.

And that is the most joyous kind of wonder and magic we need to live our whole lives.

What about you?

Will you stop this season to revel in the joy that is the reason for the season?

Will you pause in merriment and joy as your children unwrap their presents?

Will you revel in the unwrapping of God’s greatest gift, his one, and only son?

Remember to slow down, for, in the slower moments, we see God’s greatest gifts.

Thanks for reading as always! Sharing is Caring.

If you enjoyed this post, you may enjoy the following post as well!

Can We Have Eternal Joy? Inspiration from a Southern Snow Day (unfadingbeautyandstrength.com)

The Most Important Holiday

How Christmas Memories Taught Me to Slow Down

How to Find Joy When You’re Having a Bad Day

10 thoughts on “Joy in the Magic of the Season

  1. Aww… I can just imagine the joy, the laughter, the giggles, the spring in their step. Children are the best!:) Thanks for sharing, I am still smiling lol.

    Happy New Year to you and your family, wishing you all the best of God’s blessings in 2020 and beyond. ENJOY!:)

    Blessings, Bomi

  2. Wonderful post. As I read, I could feel the excitement I had as a child thinking about the possibility that Santa was coming to visit with gifts. To see half-bitten cookies and a tree with gifts, that had been bare before was so satisfying.

    This same excitement and joy is the same way I felt when I accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, and it’s never gone away!

    1. Thank you Melanie! It is such a fun time with my little ones! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!

  3. The amazement in children is golden. Thanks for capturing it so beautifully in your post.This is why the Bible says we have to be like children to inherit the kingdom.

    Well done.

    1. Thank you Ruth! And yes, Amen. I don’t think I fully understood that passage until I had kids of my own.

  4. We leave Santa out of our a Christmas celebrations. However, I totally agree how excited children get about the smallest things. Their imagination is out of this world. They take it all in and stay in the moment. My 3 month old doesn’t know much yet but my one year old love Christmas lights and music. I’ve been reading the book of Luke with them. One chapter a day up until Christmas. My 1 year old is still little so he’s not that excited about waiting to unwrap gifts. I absolutely love Christmas. The reason for it and time spend making memories with family.

    1. Thanks for sharing! My kids just loved the boxes and lights and wrapping paper when they were one! I think about 3 years they start to get so excited! Every season is fun, but I love the preschool wonder! 🙂

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