Unfading Beauty and Strength

Christian Encouragement and Practical Tips for Ordinary Women

Learning to Open Your Life through the Practice of Hospitality

**Inside: How to Practice Hospitality: Lessons from Jesus, life, and practical takeaways.

Many times I find myself pushing people away, instead of opening my home and my heart. My mind fills to the brink with excuses.

My house is too messy, my kids are too loud, or my house is not big enough.

I am not enough.

True hospitality in practice

But when you truly experience warm hospitality, you are made to feel loved and welcomed, no matter the mess you may feel your life or home is. You are just invited to come.

The times in my life where I have felt the most warm and welome were often the most ordinary.

  • A friend’s house growing up
  • A stranger’s home in the cold
  • A coffee shop while chatting with a friend.

Hospitality is less about the space and more about the spirit. A spirit of loving welcome and acceptance.

Brynn Greene, Unfading Beauty and Strength

A story of hospitality:

Every Halloween, for the last six years, my family has been blessed with being recipients of great hospitality.

There is a couple in our neighborhood who, every Halloween, they put out a welcome table. There will be candy and sodas, chili and hot dogs, chips and dip, juice, beer, wine. You name it, it will likely be there. They know how to practice hospitality.

This couple is outside all evening conversing and inviting anybody that comes by with joy and laughter and food. (The heart of the Southern table)

My husband and I have even begun planning our trick or treating around the event. Now, we let the kids do their trick or treating for a bit, and then we end up back at this neighbor’s house.

Every year, my family is welcomed with open arms, in spite of the fact that we do not bring anything, and while we converse when we see them in the neighborhood, we mostly see them at Halloween.

But, we are always welcome.

In the same way,

Jesus knew about the spirit and practice of hospitality. He welcomed all to come to the table. Jesus was a friend to tax collectors, thieves, prostitutes, and more. He did not just invite the socially acceptable, he invited all.

Jesus’s was a spirit that you could not help but want to be around. People were drawn to him.

  • Crowds pushed against each other just to get a glimpse of the great teacher.
  • Thousands would sit at his feet just to be near him.
  • Friends searched him out when they were grieving.
  • A friend walked on water to run to Jesus.
  • And many more examples

Jesus wants to invite you to the table. Come as you are, nobody else. It doesn’t matter where you have been or what you have done. You will be welcome. You just have to come.

When I think of the love and hospitality of Jesus, I am reminded of this song by Zac Williams. Come to the Table.

Will we be so brave to offer the same? What would that kind of hospitality be to you?

We are approaching a season of hospitality, where people come together to be with each other and dine together. What would happen if this season lasted the whole year long?

Practical Application:

Even though I love the warm sentiment of hospitality, I am a very pragmatic person and I like to know how I can apply things to my own life.

Therefore, I have brainstormed a few ways to practice hospitality this season or all year long.

  1. Bring cookies to the doctor’s office.
  2. Make cookies or cards with your kids to share with neighbors.
  3. Schedule a monthly time where you will have somebody over.
  4. Invite a friend to coffee.
  5. Write a snail mail card to someone on your mind.
  6. Send a gift card to someone out of the blue.
  7. Open the door for people.
  8. Host a play date
  9. Say a kind word on a Social Media post.
  10. And last, but not least: Smile at a stranger.

These are ten very simple ideas that you can apply to help you learn how to let people in.

Hospitality does not just mean inviting someone to your house, it is simply a genuine act of kindness and sharing.

Brynn Greene, Unfading Beauty and Strength

By practicing a little hospitality, we just might make the world a better place.

What about you? What ideas can you add to this list? Share in the comments below!

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Further Reading on Hospitality


How to Practice Practical Hospitality