Inside: How to Honor God with Technology: 9 Practical Tips for a more God-centered life
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As I started my car, I realized I forgot something in my counselor’s office.
In a panic-stricken moment, I hustled back inside.
When I arrived at the receptionist’s desk, my counselor had already started another appointment listed as do not disturb.
My heart raced, my mind swirled, and I forced my breaths to slow.
Just as I was contemplating the next step of action, my counselor floated in like an angel with my phone.
After those horrific moments of panic, it caused me to ask the question,
Am I too dependent on my phone?
While I’m not suggesting we throw away our phones and isolate ourselves from society, Satan does use ordinary things in our lives to keep us from being close to God.
Be serious! Be alert! Your adversary the Devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour.
1 Peter 5:7 (HCSB)
The Devil sneaks into our thoughts and our daily lives because he wants us to be dependent on anything but God.
So whether that be our phones, our husbands, or even our kids, if he can get us to put anything before God, then he has won the battle.
But it’s just that, a battle. Satan will not win the war, but he will attack you in sneaky and unknown ways.
For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens.
Ephesians 6:12 (HCSB)
Many Christians have chosen to leave social media.
They’ve felt attacked and shamed if they dared to share about God.
In the same way, Satan tempted Adam and Eve in the garden because he meant to shame them and turn them away from God, and while it may have worked in the short term, it wasn’t the end of their story.
And it’s not the end of your story either…
We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28 (HCSB)
Technology is simply a tool.
Just like a hammer can be used to build things up or tear things down, technology can be used in the same way.
We can honor God with technology. We must. What the world and Satan meant as evil, God can use for good.
Though I’m guilty of getting lost in a sea of emails and social media as well,
I’ve found several ways to use technology as a tool, and even more than that, as a spiritual tool.
Now of course it’s up to each person to decide for themselves whether to leave social media and for some that may be the right choice.
But first, let’s consider how we can bring more God and more joy to the world we live in now.
Below are some of the ways I’ve found on how to honor God with technology.
9 Ways to Use Technology to Honor God:
1. Spiritual apps with notifications turned on.
Some of my favorites are:
PrayerMate: I have my family members, personal requests, as well as friends divided into different subjects. PrayerMate will send you a reminder prompt and also includes global issues you can pray for as well.
Anytime I hear of a prayer request, I’m able to write it down immediately, which for a busy mom helps me to actually remember to pray.
YouVersion: The ultimate Bible App, Between memory verse notifications, being able to invite others for a Bible study, and hundreds of Bible plans in any version of the Bible you read, this app is a must in my book.
2. Subscribe to Christian blogs and social media platforms
Even though I know negativity can fill our emails and social media feeds, we do have some control over this. The more Christian websites and social media platforms you subscribe to and like, the more often you will fill your life with positive life-giving words.
On my email and social feeds, I am often bombarded with Christian advertisements, post notifications from Christian writers/influencers and God-centered emails.
Do I stop and read all of them all the time?
Of course not. I do have laundry to put away, books to read, and kids to feed.
But, when I need encouragement, resources are at my fingertips in seconds.
3. Send a message.
When a friend pops into your mind send a simple message of encouragement or ask how you can pray for them. (You can even send snail mail if you like.)
To take it further, when they respond, I try to put their request in my PrayerMate app as well as say a short prayer at that exact moment. Then next time their name pops up on my prayer list, I can send a follow-up message.
4. Facetime or set up a Zoom meeting with friends and family.
The world of Zoom and Facetime is one advantage to the time of Covid. At no other time in history, have we been able to pivot in order to keep meeting for those Bible studies as well as have the opportunity to keep up with old friends.
5. Keep a calendar of birthdays and events.
Whenever I hear a friend or family member mention something they enjoy or like, I try to make a note in my Evernote app. Then whenever their birthday comes around or even just because, I can bless them with a small but genuine gift.
What a great way to share God’s love in everyday moments.
6. Pause to pray.
The next time you do come across a negative social media post, pause to pray over the post and the people involved. We are called to
Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV)
Perhaps even before you engage with that comment, a simple prayer will either guide you away or give you the words you need to say.
7. Rock out to Christian videos and songs.
This is a great way to include others in your family and break out in dance and shake out a little energy.
Of course, I have Pandora and Youtube, but you could even download and personalize your own playlist on whatever music streaming you use.
8. Listen to Christian books/podcasts:
- In your car,
- While cleaning,
- Or even on a walk.
I’ve become an official podcast junkie. I’ve even got my 5-year-old into listening to a kids’ science podcast. (Brains On or Two Whats?! And A Wow!)
Of course, there are tons of options out there so you may want to try a few or ask for more recommendations, but here are a few of my favorites:
- Jill Savage: The No More Perfect Podcast. Jill shares a variety of topics for Christian women.
- Be the Bridge: Racial reconciliation from a Christian perspective. The Founder, Latasha Morrison, shares words of wisdom, she has brought realization and hope for the work of unity God calls us all to.
- Small Things Often: Super quick tips on building a strong marriage. Though not from a unique Christian perspective, I believe God calls our marriages to be testaments to his love and we can only do that if we continue to build up our marriages every day.
And a couple I have yet to listen to, but intrigue me:
9. Share your own post
We are called to be the feet of Jesus. If we profess that he is our King, then why are we waiting to share what he has done for us?
Your post or comment might get removed, but that just means you’re winning the war. We never know who may need to hear about God’s love.
While I don’t believe we can avoid all negativity and evil,
We can fill our lives with so much Jesus, that when we are confronted with evil, then we are equipped to fight the battle.
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.
Ephesians 6: 10-11 (NIV)
Jesus didn’t give up when people berated him, beat him, shamed him, and neither should we.
We are called to be the light of the world and even though the world might hate us and we may be pushed down and stomped on, light always shines brighter than the darkness.
Then Jesus spoke to them again: “I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows Me will never walk in the darkness but will have the light of life.
John 8:12 (HCSB)
And if you find yourself at the start of a panic attack when you lose or misplace your phone, may you be reminded of your need for God.
He is before all things, and by Him all things hold together.
Colossians 1:17 (HCSB)
As always, thanks for reading. If you enjoyed this post, I would appreciate your shares on social media.

Recommended Reading and Resources:
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Well said, Brynn! You’re listed some wonderful ways technology can be used to glorify God and encourage others and ourselves. Although I too have briefly considered taking a break from social media, I believe we are to be the light in what seems to be an increasingly dark world, so I’ll stay. Thanks for the encouragement.
Thank you for sharing! Being a light is always easier said than done, but God is still working on me!
A great reminder! Thank you.
Beautiful post filled with so much wisdom, sweet sister! And a VERY muchly needed message today. Thank you … ❤
I’m so thankful it was encouraging to you!
So good! Great reminders this morning — This is such good wisdom: Just like a hammer can be used to build things up or tear things down, technology can be used in the same way. Amen, Amen. Thank you for sharing!
I’m glad it was encouraging to you Jordan!