Inside: Can we have eternal joy? A short devotional inspired by the joy of my children on a southern snow day.
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We never get snow in the south. I know that sounds dramatic but it’s true. And by never I mean once every few years.
Growing up in Louisiana I remember it snowing twice. (twice in 18 years) And I only remember one of those snow days because of old photographs.
So when it snows in the south, everything shuts down faster than you can park your car on the street.
- The roads look like a ghost town,
- People bunker down in their caves,
- And bread and milk fly off the shelf (I don’t understand this one as most of us have enough food to last for the day-long apocalypse.)
If I only see snow every decade, my joy will remain unchanged. I don’t like to be cold or wet and I don’t have the right clothes or equipment to drudge through the snow.
But my kids act like they just won the lottery.
Even when it’s just a dusting. Their joy is contagious.
While driving home from church last Sunday, the incessant rain transformed into glistening snowflakes before our very eyes. The kids bounded out of the car before we could put the car in park, determined to enjoy every fleeting second of snow.
My soul warmed with wonder and joy as I watched my children’s smiles while,
- They left footprints in the snow,
- Let the the snow drip on their tongues,
- and spun with glee letting the snow fall on them
However, along with the unexplainable excitement comes fear and uncertainty.
While the kids are playing, many adults are fretting.
Where some see joy, others see worry or fear.
But my kids, they don’t understand the fear.
They don’t know that:
- Cold hands and feet can lead to frostbite,
- Black ice can be a real threat,
- And while intentional sliding down a hill may be fun, sliding in a car, not so much.
But they don’t have to know the fear, because they have complete trust in their parents.
In the same way, God wants us to have the same child-like trust in Him.
Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 18:3 (ESV)
Our children are free to play in wonder. And why wouldn’t we want them to?
In the south, we stop whatever we’re doing and play in the snow, because we know the snow will melt faster than you can exclaim: It’s snowing!
In the same way, our heavenly Father also wants us to revel in His world with joy and wonder, but unlike the fleeting snow of the south, God’s joy is neverending.
Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever.
Psalm 136: 26 (ESV)
And yes there are horrid things in this world. We live in a broken world full of broken sinners like me.
But our joy in Jesus is unfathomable.
Our joy in Jesus is like all the good of a snow day without the fear:
- The glistening snowflakes,
- No school,
- and leaving footprints and snow angels in a pristine landscape
As a child of God, we, yes you and I, have the same joy and confidence only found in Jesus.
We have the complete assurance to know that one day there will come a time where we can play in the snow and catch snowflakes on our tongue and never grow cold or weary.
So every time it snows, I can’t help but write and exclaim God’s love and joy.
Just as God created each individual snowflake, he created all of us in his image, in his joy.
And we can rest knowing that one day we will spend the rest of our lives with no worries or fears, just the childlike joy, and faith of a trusting child in all storms of life.
And not just every few years, but every… single… day…
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